Are you being truthful and real in your life and performing at your best?
I support leaders, executives and business owners and I can help you too. With intentional LEADERSHIP and PERFORMANCE. In the capacity that works best for you as consultant, mentor or speaker.
All of my services are guided by a practical framework I developed, the Four Cs of Leadership: Context, Character, Communication and Competence. You can look at this model as a kind of compass, where each point is equally important in finding the right direction. Where growth in one area automatically influences the other creating a powerful multiplication impact, where 1+1 does not equal 2 but 10 or 100.
Intentional Leadership
Leadership is all about relationships. #Relationship & #Performance. Whether with yourself, your body, your work, your spouse, your kids – relationships offer the truest measure of success in your life.
The health of your business relies on the health of your leadership team. What does the health of your leadership team look like? Do you even know? Using the Four Cs of Leadership, I help you assess and develop your relational health at work and home. And I journey with you to keep you accountable, committed and motivated.
Change your company environment, your customer experience, your team work, your employee engagement…change your LIFE – by getting real about Intentional Leadership!
Leadership health is not an event, it is a journey of growth. Let’s measure and improve your leadership together.
intentional sales leadership program
The success of your sales relies 100% on the ‘intentional sales leadership’ ability of the entire sales team!
What does the current sales leadership ability of your team look like?
- Personal Leadership
- Customer Leadership
Your leadership ability will determine the health of your relationships and therefore the success of your sales.

Duration: 12 month program
- 4 C’s of Leadership Growth Model
- ReCinate Communication Intelligence Profile
- One-on-One mentoring sessions
- Monthly group growth sessions
Leadership Mentoring
It’s lonely at the top. Everybody looks to you to have the answers, to solve their problems and to lead perfectly at all times. But who can you turn to? Where is your safe space to be real and vulnerable, to get sound advice, without judgement?
Talk to me. I’ve been there, I’ve made the mistakes, and I speak from experience, both personally and professionally. I mentor CEOs and company presidents on an individual basis, and I also conduct one-on-ones with entire exec teams – in person or via conference call. The only real requirement is honesty: I work with people who are willing to be vulnerable with me, transparent and honest. On this journey we become professional and even personal friends – I’m there to celebrate your breakthrough moments and support you in the moments you’d rather keep private.
PS: I currently journey with C-Suite people globally in the USA, UK, UAE and SA. Please reach out for references.
Inspirational talks
A radical shift in perspective can be just the catalyst you need to effect positive change in your life and business. I know, because it happened to me.
After miraculously surviving a mountain bike accident, I got a second chance at life – and an entirely new perspective. Facing death made me face my regrets – and purpose to live my second chance without them.
In my talks and public speaking, I share stories from my life – my near-death experiences (yes there were two!!), my failed marriage and business blunders – and the insights they taught me to now live a full life. Insights about doing life well in today’s busy world, about the consequences of playing ostrich or ego and, most importantly, about what is possible when you take action.
NB: August 2010 I miraculously survived a horror mountain bike accident. Medically they can’t explain how I am alive. THEN, October 2021 I miraculously survived Covid after 2 months in ICU. Medically it is impossible for me to be alive, having stopped breathing and lying with ‘little to no lung tissue left’. Then 5 months later to have the impossible happen when my lungs completely regenerated to full life! Find out how I share this journey and how through these experiences you can turn your life & business back to life!

Eight months ago I journeyed to the gates of hell and back…fighting for my life in ICU & High Care for 2 months. I lost consciousness once, they got me back again. My lungs collapsed twice, yet the sun came up again. I had ‘little to no normal lung tissue left’ yet I kept breathing.
During this time there were many times I wanted to give up. I was kept conscious, knowing that placing me on a ventilator and induced coma would certainly be a death sentence. Yet being awake 24/7, fighting every second of every minute of every day for a breath to stay alive, was also medically almost impossible to sustain.
I made it, and today I am here to tell the story.
Many times people find themselves in tough situations. Life has become increasing challenging today at work, at home and personally.
In these tough times making good choices is critical. Setting yourself up to make these better choices become highly important! It could mean the difference to getting that business deal or not, between saving your business or not, between saving your marriage or not and living a life of peace and joy OR not.
Find out what lessons I learned during this journey, what choices I made to help me keep fighting when I wanted to give up. How these choices helped save my life and gave me a future with my family.

Communication intelligence
Different people communicate differently. And understanding the communication styles of other people – as well as your own – empowers you to connect effectively in all spheres of your life.
I’ll say it again: it’s all about relationships. I’ll show you how to identify – and perfect – your communication style, resolve conflict well, influence others with positive interactions and, ultimately, nurture success in all areas of your life.
Your next breakthrough might boil down to just one simple word.
Our clients globally are experiencing the ‘unbelievable’ breakthroughs following the powerful awakening to verbal communication. Just because we can talk we thought we can communicate well…how wrong we were!!
This 1 or 2 day workshop will change your success in sales, leadership, marketing and project management in a way that you did not think was possible. I am confident enough to guarantee you results or your money back!
Company Culture Transformation
We find ourselves today in a diverse environment where teams and companies have become a blend of cultures, races, sex and religions. How do you take all of this and create a healthy working environment, yet still drive efficient performance at the same time?
Having worked in and with various companies in different industries globally, Johan was exposed to and confronted with performance challenges across 17 cultures and 6 countries. Over time he designed an approach and model to create and/or transform organisational culture with complete buy-in regardless the level of diversity.
The foundation for creation or transformation is done in 4 interactive presentations and presented to 2 or 3 levels in the organisation depending on the size of company and management structure. As a result, within 4-6 weeks your organisation will experience the shift required from where they can drive the culture through accountability.
It is simple, it is unique, it is practical and it is real. Most importantly it is understandable and workable at all levels.

Being real. Such a simple idea, but one that so easily escapes us.
One that escapes even – and perhaps especially – the most accomplished among us. But, ironically, being real is at the heart of doing life well. For two reasons.
Firstly, because being real is about substance – something that lasts, something with character that will age well; not crack and peel at the first sign of trouble. It’s something that leaves a legacy.
And secondly, because being real – being authentic and honest – forms the foundation of good relationships, and relationships are at the core of every successful endeavour. Whether with yourself, your body, your spouse, your children, your staff, your clients – success is all about relationships (you’ll hear me say this a lot). Not just in your personal life, but in your professional life too.
I know, because I’ve been there.
I learned the (very) hard way about the difference between substance and appearance, the real and the veneer. A near-death accident and failed marriage – in the middle of a seemingly successful personal life and career – hit me hard and woke me up. This turning point inspired me to do life differently, authentically and simply. It made me passionate about building strong, trustworthy relationships and about helping others to do the same. It gave me real empathy for the struggles of others, especially for those who hide their struggles so well – the admired leader, the top executive, the sports captain, the ever-providing family man.
In short, it gave focus to life-long interests of mine – the complexities of the human condition, of human relationships, and the related dynamics of businesses that thrive. I set up shop 12 years ago as a life coach, business management consultant and mentor, drawing from my combination of qualifications – psychology, business management, change management and life and executive coaching – as well as those hard-won life lessons at the school of hard knocks.
LIVING MIRACLE – October 2021 at midnight I was rushed to ER with Covid. After 2 months in ICU, having stopped breathing and surviving two further events where medically I should have died, I was reunited with my family in December. What made this experience even more dramatic, was that I spent the entire time in ICU being 100% conscious and awake!
Learn more about my experiences in ICU, what I learnt and applied about Leadership to help me walk out of ICU. These stories and principles I share in my talks and workshops will change your life and your business.
BEckon mobile app
BECKON is a mobile membership app giving you access to an interactive character development platform. You can register as an individual user or any size organisation with multiple users. It invites you on a guided journey do elevate your success in life by growing in your character, communication and competence in all areas of life.
Have you been searching to find the ‘real you’?
Are you looking to ‘grow’ and become a ‘better u’, a more ’empowered u’?
Looking for that elusive ‘peace’ and ‘success’ in life?
Are you a Christian and looking to find that God-given purpose you were created for?
BECKON is the mobile app platform where you will have everything you need in order to grow, become more fulfilled in whatever area of life you wish to develop.
It provides a simple yet powerful guided platform, helping you to understand why you are where you are in life, what you can do to grow and become more successful, and even provides a function for accountability to support you.
It also includes the RECINATE.com online verbal communication profile to support your growth in communication.
Become a more intentional and aware leader in life today by joining the BECKON journey!